Wednesday 27 April 2016

Abaya Online: Muslim Women Love Wearing Abaya

How to illustrate information suggestive of women in Abaya? The question regularly arises in the newsroom. And the answer is not always satisfactory. To buy abaya online in UAE- just search online! 

What is this Abaya? 

The veil predates the Quran: the free woman is asked to wear the veil or face sanctions. The use then deferred, in different countries and eras, sometimes tending towards more flexibility, and other times, on the contrary, to a significant consolidation, which could be made into a law by the country’s political regimes in question. A distinction is indeed four types of sails:

 The hijab: the "veil" generic

"Hijab" actually means "sail", "curtain" or "screen." The term refers to the veil in its broadest sense, and therefore all its variations. Nevertheless, today, we mostly used it to refer the Islamic veil the most widespread, covering the head and the hair but not the face. Different parts of the world, the hijab can be worn around the entire face as a simple veil covering the hair, or as part of a complete outfit.

The Niqab veil hiding her face

Generally black, niqab stands for hijab because it also hides the face except the eyes. Its port is rather the fact practitioners of Islam rigorous, especially the followers of Salafism. 

The Saudi Abaya

Another garment, which is this time not limited to hair and face but covers the whole body, appears in recent years: the Abaya, a long gown, often but not exclusively black, and used by Saudi/ UAE women. It covers the entire body, hiding the forms of its carriers, which is seen as "virtuous" by advocates of this garment. Muslims are dressed very differently in different countries and eras, and both garments are mainly from the Persian Gulf. Buy abaya online at

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